(He Used Racism to Achieve his Goals)
‘I Love the Poorly Educated’…the 45th president’s own words.
In my opinion…
American politics are mainly driven by race; even in this election, most Americans voted because of racial motivation. Seventy-one million racially motivated Americans voted for the former president because of ethnicity or based on skin color and the separations of ideas based on the prejudices ingrained into the political environment and the atmosphere plus beliefs grounded within American society past and present. Race! White Americans are too blame for the former president and the racial divide his campaign and administration brought into the forefront of the political atmosphere. America, believe it or not, is still racially divided more than ever because the 45th president proves that it still exists. It’s up to the people to find the things that bring us together than those that divide us apart. Americans shouldn’t have allowed one individual to divide us for his reasons and motivations to stay on top by dividing us. The 45th president was about drama and chaos…eager brawls against elites and institutions, and against threats to conservatives,’ he preferred social disorder and created the environment against shared enemies. The 45th president can become anti-establishment with an attitude towards tearing down the structure of government and establishing a new wave of his brand of politics. There are a myriad reasons that the American people didn’t choose to elect the 45th president again. Here’s a shortlist of those atrocities — a sexual predator, a liar, created unrest in the streets, authoritarian, destroyed families, denied the serious of Covid-19, and the destroying of the health care system in America, gridlocked over social issues, race, gender, and the economy. Twenty thousand false and misleading statements from the 45th president and the most fact-checked president in the world’s history. The 45th president created his hell within his own beliefs and mind-boggling thoughts; that hell within could have started from his beginning and grew as he developed into becoming a life of hell from within his own being subjected. Bullying is an art form-to sort of speak of…as to how bullies operate from the point of view as though they’re winners and everybody else is losers because they were able to bully you into their thinking. This time around, the 45th president was exposed; his entire career and public persona have been built on an image of regularly winning as a loser. This election is effectively over, and the president has been defeated, even though he has not admitted it and probably won’t. Does gracious exist within this person? No! Any time a president acknowledged that he loves the uneducated, what does that say about him are the so-called people he said he represents. Did the 45th president say, ‘I Love the Poorly Educated’…here some quotes of his speech in Nevada…Afterward, in a speech to supporters, Trump touted how many different demographic groups he won in Nevada, declaring that “We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated,” before exclaiming “I love the poorly educated!”: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-love-poorly-educated/. Since the 45th president won, ten tycoons who have gotten the richest since Trump won. 1. Jeff Bezos, Net worth: $189 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$121 billion. 2. Elon Musk, Net worth: $90 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$79 billion3. Steve Ballmer, Net worth: $73 Billion, Change since 2016 election: +$44 Billion. 4. Mark Zuckerberg, Net worth: $96 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$44 billion. 5. Dan Gilbert, Net worth: $44 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$39 billion. 6. Bill Gates, Net worth: $117 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$35 billion. 7. Alice Walton, Net worth: $67 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$33 billion. 8. Jim Walton, Net worth: $67 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$32 billion. 9. Rob Walton, Net worth: $66 Billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$32 Billion. 10. Larry Ellison, Net worth: $79 billion, Gain since 2016 election: +$30 billion. Need I say more. Can Joe Biden and Kamala Harris bring America together? The White House is the people’s house, but personally, for the next four years, “Joe’s House”…It remains to be seen. Stay tuned, America!