(She’s preventing the president-elect and his team by blocking seamless transition of power)
Bio — Emily W. Murphy, U.S. General Services Administrator
Administrator Emily W. Murphy was nominated by President Donald J. Trump to lead the U.S. General Services Administration. She was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate and sworn in as the administrator of GSA on December 12, 2017.
Emily W. Murphy, has failed to honor her oath to General Services Administration
office by not sending the Biden transition team the proper paperwork to achieve that task. Emily W. Murphy, is refusing to sign a letter recognizing Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election and in by not doing her duties as the administrator she’s preventing the president-elect and his team from accessing millions of dollars in funding and government access meant to allow for a seamless transition of power. Obviously, she’s hindering the smooth transition of power by delaying the process. America you see what happens to democracy when and autocrat becomes a cult leader and demands loyalty. The democratic way government goes out of the window and new regime enters.