Are the Polls Deliberately Control by Corporate Dollars and Not Democracy
Polls in the 2020 election may have finally had to come to a reckoning. There numbers obviously was in disappointing outcomes. For some the people. Polls in the past have controlled the narrative. Finally, Americans know that the polls now can have an influence tendency towards a certain party outcome that they projected. Is it political? Possibly. Did the polls deliberately pretend to project unsubstantiated claims are did they themselves wanted to steer the outcomes deliberately? Again possibly. Why did the pollsters face another reckoning this year? They really, really got it wrong this election. So far, the American public hasn’t heard any reasons as too why did the pollsters got it so wrong this time around and in 2016. Are polls really necessary in the future when it comes to elections? That remains too be seen, again because the narrative can change in instant, according to the protest, and the political mood, and the climate the people are given, which may include in the safeguards of their liberties. Issues that arise around the areas this past year included injustices, racism, discrimination, oppression, and immigration policies, and the people being feed up, when it comes to those issues. So, essences the tone wasn’t with the politicians, it centered around the momentum, and the uprising of the people setting the agenda, for changing the political process. No longer did the people wait for the politicians to write the bills, and place them on the floors of their various political buildings to cast votes, and then put them before the people to adhere thereto. Politics in America was never a big deal before, but because of the formal administration policies making, Americans have become more involved into politics than ever before. We’re witnessing and resurgence in the political process, driving by the people and not the politicians. “We the People” are finally as it appears to be for now are in the drivers seat. Because of rhetoric, and false promises, and the deliberate disregard, plus the disrespectfulness too the rule of law, according to the the constitution and the democratic process, the people in this current election decided that enough is enough, it’s time for changing the leadership of president. So again, the polls was wrong, but the outcome seems as though that this is what the American people choose to run their government, and not a purported authoritarian. None of the polls singly had answer to why the polls surprised us in 2020 again, public opinion polls missed the mark on the U.S. presidential election. Possibly, because America still remains an racially divided country in 2020. Statistics may show why in the coming months and years, why America is still facing this major problem, and how it relates to politics. The donations to both political parties increased also in record breaking numbers. We here in America experienced top individuals and organizations spending their money to influence your vote.
A short list of the top contributors:
Shade Tree Advisors — $2,000,000 — Liberal
Koch Industries — $2,000,000 — Conservative
Chevron Corp — $1,400,000 — Conservative
Pilot Corp — $1,000,000 — Conservative
ConocoPhillips — $1,000,000 — Conservative
Energy Transfer Equity — $1,000,000 — Conservative
Miramar Fiduciary — $1,000,000 — Liberal
poll noun
Definition of poll (Entry 1 of 2)
: the top or back of the head
: the broad or flat end of a striking tool (such as a hammer)
: the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons
: a counting of votes cast
: the place where votes are cast or recorded — usually used in plural
at the polls
: the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election
: the total number of votes recorded
a heavy poll
: a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed
: a record of the information so obtained: