Student Debt Cancellation Set for the Debate Stage Again

4 min readNov 19, 2020


(Can! And/or…Will Joe Biden Cancel all Students Debt?)

Cancel Student Loans…

Why student debt should be canceled? Learning should’ve put you are cost you and placed you into financial woes after graduation. Is it fair that recently graduates start out in life being in debt before they get their first job? How can America really justify that gaining a degree is the right way to start your career in your chosen field and then end up as debtor…mum. I never understood how the children of tax paying parents ended up paying for college tuition with applying for loans for their education. I’m baffled to the thoughts of being motivated to go to college and for the simplicity upon graduation debt will be looming over your head for about 7–20 years. There approximately 37 million Americans who owe federally-backed student loan debt, it ranges from $10,000.00 and beyond. The question is should the US Department of Education be involved in the education loaning business too it own citizens?

Should the greedy corporate-politicians be the ones making the decisions that otherwise places the financial strangle hold on the tax paying sons and daughters who have recently acquired their degrees and now must pay back the backers who helped to finance the campaigns of the corrupt corporate-politicians. There are some remedies being tossed around that suggest there’s two routes that could cancel student debt in theory: Either through legislation or through an executive action. In practice and theory that student loan forgiveness could be either included as part of a new stimulus package passed by Congress. Simply put the incoming president-elect can just signed and executive order canceling all students debts and end the debate right on the Oval desk.

Right away the economy will be stimulated by building confidence within the American economy by assisting the American people hope and gratitude for “we the people” should not only help the rich by enriching them but the population as well. What would become a welcomed justification for a new presidential administration. It was also noted that Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asserted recently, “and we believe that Joe Biden can do that with the pen as opposed to legislation.” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) proposed that the the first $50,000 of debt be vanquished. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration would “have the power and legal authority to order their Department of Education to cancel millions in student debts on day one of entering into the White House. The pressure should be applied that some spectacular outlandish political movement should become their entry into office. This noble act of charity to the American people would increase households immediately disposable income by the amount of debt service saved. Let’s just think about that for the moment disposable household income in an instant. Stress relief would be the key factor here. Blacks have suffered the most from discriminatory lenders under these circumstances and conditions of the loan percentages sizably a vast difference to their white counterparts. “The financial marketplace has continue to practice discriminatory policy’s to this day.” A lot of low income borrowers have always complained that they were the subjects of those financial injustices.

In America for centuries, on the right and the left alike, it has been an article of faith that, in moments of critical civic discontent, people were known to take to the streets, demanding change. Protest is a productive use of our political system for attention. The First Amendment enshrines such efforts, protecting “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Taking a look at the protests today as an exercise in public awareness of a cause of action to bring about a political change to be for and about the “we the people”. Student debt cancellation could well may become the new wave of protest in America in the coming weeks ahead…Cancel Student Loans.


In light of the new-aged surge of energy caused by the new the millenniums known as (Generation Y). The driving force in today’s wave of nationally attacking politics in the streets of America, this has become the preeminent attention getting movement in America since the national protest around the turn of the century. In America, currently, Senate Republicans control the Senate, although the run-off Senate elections in Georgia could impact the balance of power to wheres the Senate Democrats can passed a bill to cancel all students debts. Say for instance that if Democrats win the Senate, Schumer and Warren would have a clearer path to push the bill forward their proposal. President-elect Biden has said he supports up to $10,000 of student loan forgiveness. Don’t hold your breath.

In today’s protesting. Demonstrators protest, by name of a incidence of injustices, are cases of oppression, and some form of discrimination against a ethnic group or a cause. Petitions! Petitions! Petitions!

Parts of Joe Biden

This what Joe Biden said in his acceptance speech, “My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory. A victory for “We the People”.

And who will work with all my heart to win the confidence of the whole people. For that is what America is about: the people. And that is what our administration will be about.

Democrats, Republicans and independents. Progressives, moderates and conservatives. Young and old. Urban, suburban and rural. Gay, straight, transgender. White. Latino. Asian. Native American.




Written by Gab1930s

Ibrahim A. Arrahim has studied and observed men’s fashion since he was 12 years old. He says, “It’s my life’s passion to be very involved in this tradition a

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