What are Purines?

2 min readFeb 1, 2021


What Foods Contains Purines

Caveat…Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice

Blood is a specialized body fluid. It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. Blood is needed for life. Blood is a fluid that flows throughout the body in blood vessels. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues and helps remove waste. Blood also helps you fight infections and heal from injuries. Red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen to the body. White blood cells (WBCs) are part of the body’s immune system. Platelets are cells that help with clotting. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood.

Where is blood made in the body?

Blood cells are made in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is the soft, spongy part inside bones. New blood cells are made daily. They help replace the cells that die naturally or through injury or illness.

What are Purines?

Purines, a common chemical compound found in foods and drinks, are metabolized by the body and turned into uric acid. Uric acid is then filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys.

What are purine food?

Foods that contain high levels of purines include: wild game, such as veal, venison, and duck. red meat. some seafood, including tuna, sardines, anchovies, herring, mussels, codfish, scallops, trout, and haddock. organ meat, such as liver, kidneys, and thymus glands, Eggs which are known as sweetbreads. bacon


Lets be clear that animal products are contained within a given medication, and it’s understood that derivatives in vaccines most come from some form of animals anti-bodies, that’s a scientific fact according to the pharmaceutical industry.


Pharmakeia meaning PHARMACY, medication, drugs, sorcery, witchcraft, magic. Another meaning to whisper a spell, practice magic, sorcery, witchcraft. The most blatant form of Sorcery in the book of Revelation is the multi-BILLION dollar pharmaceutical-medical industry, which just happens to be where it got its name pharmakeia. There’s a Hebrew word (Kesheph) meaning practice magic, sorcery, witchcraft (Old Testament)

Sources: Revelation 9:21, Isaiah 47:9 & 12, Acts 13:6 & Acts 13:8, Exodus 7:1, Daniel 2:2, Malachi 3:5, Jeremiah 27:9. https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12500980/.




Written by Gab1930s

Ibrahim A. Arrahim has studied and observed men’s fashion since he was 12 years old. He says, “It’s my life’s passion to be very involved in this tradition a

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