What Roles Does Social Media Play in the Conspiracy Theories?

4 min readFeb 2, 2021


Are the Algorithm Guilty?

Shouldn’t the News Media and the Internet Bear Some Blame?

CONSPIRACY.* A combination of or more persons, by some concerted action, to accomplish a criminal or unlawful purpose, or to accomplish a purpose, not in itself criminal or unlawful, by criminal or unlawful means. The unlawful combination or agreement of two or more persons to do an act unlawful in itself, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., Pg., 284, Year 1889.

A List of Conspiracy Theories

New World Order, Denver Airport, George Soros, Freemasonry, Islam, Anti-Islamic, Racism, Illuminati, False flag operations, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein death conspiracy theories, FEMA, African National Congress, Barack Obama, Deep state, Biden-Ukraine Conspiracy Theory, Trump and Ukraine, “Stolen election” conspiracy theory, Artificial diseases, COVID-19 pandemic, Fluoridation, Vaccination, Global warming, Flat Earth, False history, New England Patriots, Black Helicopters, Chemtrails, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, The Eye of Providence, birtherism, Watergate, New Coke…

Definition of algorithm

: a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation broadly : a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end

There are several search engines, with Google, Yahoo and Bing being the biggest players. Each search engine has its own proprietary computation (called an “algorithm”) that ranks websites for each keyword or combination of keywords.

— Julie Brinton

… sometimes you solve a problem by coming up with an algorithm of some kind. But sometimes you solve a problem in a very ad hoc sort of way. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/algorithm.

News Media

news media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapers, newsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, etc.) https://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/news_media.htm.

Social Media

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing manages the main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Vimeo accounts. https://communications.tufts.edu/contact/.

Conspiracy theories have been around for a long time, though how long is a matter of debate. Conspiracy theories are presently dominated the news these days. Conspiracy theories usually deny consensus or cannot be proven. A obsession of Trump is ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization. Since the present emergences of this waive, we first find people talking and writing about conspiracy theories. We find that a philosopher by the name of Karl Popper and his famous work The Open Society and Its Enemies (1st edition: 1945), newspaper databases allow us to locate earlier occurrences of “conspiracy theory.” Also noted that in 1870s onward the term proliferates in newspapers. How can we equate this discovery then tell us about the modern-day phenomenon of conspiracy theories?

According to agents and federal prosecutors, it’s widely believed that the Trump administration denied agencies extra funding to pay analysts to search social media for potential threats from the far-right. The threats became immediately apparent when the Capitol was attacked by Trump supporters, militias, and conspiracy believers on January 6 2021. In other reports that Homeland Security issued an assessment saying that white supremacists could carry out “mass casualty” attacks, but the Capitol wasn’t ever mentioned by the Trump administration. Lets bear in mind that some conspiracy theories are not always false by default, and their validity depends on evidence, just as in any theory.

Doesn’t the main news media push the narrative? How does one find out about the conspiracies, if not from the news medias? Isn’t the new culture-wars being broadcast by the main stream media’s? Aren’t the news media outlets complicated in repeating and amplify whatever the conspiracists say and the conspiracy? Again, freedom of the press does exist in America. So, essence the government can’t censor the news media by fanning the flames on the conspiracy theorist agendas. Sadly, approximately, over have of the American public believes in a popular conspiracy theory. What’s the root of how conspiracy theories spread through media and politics? We could possibly narrow it down to some form of mind control. Mind control could be considered the defining factor in how people are seduced into believing the conspiracy. People seem to be attracted to sensationalism of the quirks that’s involved in the conspiracy. We can theorized that there are stereotypes seemly attached to the people who believe in conspiracy theories. An old adage that’s known is that the accusation is worse than the crimes. Moreover, cultural-warriors have created this war and phenomenon by communicating these types of rhetoric and the general public has embraced the conspiracy theories. In the past twentieth century, conspiracy theories continued to evolve, and many Americans began to suspect the U.S. government itself of plotting against them.

Growing Phenomenon of anti-government extremists groups

The groups that has mushroomed like the “Proud Boys” (Founder: Gavin Miles McInnes, born 17 July 1970, Hitchin, England) , “Far-right“, “Neo-fascism”, “Trumpism”, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), neo-Nazi groups, White Supremacy Groups, in the United States: American Nazi Party, Anti-Masonic Party, Dixiecrats, German American Bund, Know-Nothing Party, National States’ Rights Party, etc., has been part of the American fabric since the founding. Some of the ideology radical right includes right-wing populism and various other subtypes, 1) anti-democracy, 2) nationalism, 3) racism, has explored in recent months and it has political tones entwined. These theories gained more credibility after the creation of the internet and the phenomenon of social media. Exacerbating, the unfounded fats the past-formal president has had his moments, in increasing the political rhetoric around conspiracy theories, and the fabrication by fanning the flames increasingly.




Written by Gab1930s

Ibrahim A. Arrahim has studied and observed men’s fashion since he was 12 years old. He says, “It’s my life’s passion to be very involved in this tradition a

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